Friday, June 25, 2010

Dream Job: Radio Announcer

Sarah Gadrie (25), was a radio announcer at Radio Oz, Jakarta, his experience as a radio announcer starts since he joined the program on the radio DJ You Prambors. However, even the announcer's career began after he became a presenter on several TV shows. Candidates for this dentist had attended a course presenter at the International British School of Communications to explore science and broadcasting presenter. "To become a radio announcer, it's good we are concerned with the latest news in the country and abroad, being friendly, and not shut out new science," said Gadrie.

In addition to the broadcast, what the duty of a radio announcer?
He was in charge of conveying information on the listener, whether it's the result of coverage or browsing. While for the song, preferably before the broadcast, the radio announcer was preparing a playlist of songs that will rotate anything, it will be easier. If there is any song requests from listeners, usually going through the filter of the first announcer.

What preparation is needed before the broadcast?
Find the latest info or news via the internet or even reading a magazine in the country and overseas. Because every magazine there is usually different info, info-info now can we move on to the listener. Besides, the baseball may be missed is the drinking water, because we have to talk for at least 2 hours. Dry throat will affect the sound quality of the broadcast.

Skill whatever it takes to become a radio announcer?
Listening, reading the situation, to manage moods, and ability to speak well to maintain the pronunciation and intonation of voice. In contrast to the expression on tv presenters face and body gesture seen, the radio announcer voice to rely only describe our feelings on the listener. Besides, it's good fluent in English, because this will be needed when we do interviews with international musicians.

The fun of this profession?
Our music to a wider knowledge and update, networking with public figures also expanded. Not only that, we have the opportunity to learn good grammar and correct speech, because it was a lot of tv presenter who started from the radio announcer. The most exciting part is, I can play any song I like, he ... he ... he ....

In general, salary is determined by how long the broadcasters broadcasting hours. However, each radio must have a different policy. For beginners, usually around Rp 17,500-Rp 25,000 per hour. But, the fun, we had plenty of opportunity to fill ad ad lips and MC off water which would also generate money.

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