By : Carole Kanchier
"I quit my job by email since that’s how I normally communicated with my boss. But a company’s firing by email got me thinking that quitting by email may not be appropriate . . ."
Have you had enough? Is quitting the right option? If so, resign with class. But first, know why you’re leaving.
Have you lost patience with customers or co-workers? Are company policies and ethics incompatible with your values? Do you have unsupportive superiors? Do you dread Mondays? Does your job fail to meet important needs like work/life balance and autonomy? Do you dislike most of your tasks?
Evaluate your current situation. List everything you like and dislike about your position. Also identify career successes. Review why you chose your job (e.g., money, upward mobility), and whether you still have those rewards. Note whether you’re committed to your employer, what you’ll gain by remaining with the company, and what you’ll lose if you leave. Determine whether non job-related factors like personal relationships or health affect your attitude.
Examine all options. If you’re unhappy, consider personal vacation time to gain perspective. Think about transferring to another department in your organization, a different employer, a new field, self employment or further education. If available, request help from the company Employment Assistance Program.
Share satisfiers, dissatisfiers and possible solutions with your superior. Discuss reshaping aspects of the job to fit your interests and talents.
Clarify your career goal and spell out reasons for wanting it. Identify barriers such as fear of failure, family hardships or lack of security. Brainstorm ways to overcome them. If you’re wondering how to finance education, consider evening and weekend classes while working.
If you decide to leave the company, resign gracefully.
Prepare financially. Save enough to survive at least two months of unemployment. Create a budget. Look at needs, not wants. Cut expenses. Use coupons, comparison shop. Reevaluate housing costs. Look for additional income sources such as temp work.
Check unemployment benefits. Quitting may disqualify you from collecting benefits, which are often based on circumstances surrounding your departure. Consider the economy and the demand for your skill set.
Leave on good terms. Your boss should be the first to know. Schedule a face-to-face meeting. Don’t fax or email your resignation. If your supervisor only visits your site every few months, ask for a meeting prior to her next site visit.
Get to the point. Give reasons for leaving. If your reasons are financial, give your employer a chance to make a competitive offer. Discuss entitlement to benefits. Stress the delights of having worked for the supervisor, whether delightful or not. Focus on the positive, but give reasons for leaving. A new job may offer a higher-level position or better hours.
Be flexible regarding departure time and terms. Think in terms of your current boss becoming a future reference. Your behavior in the final days shapes others’ opinions. Tell colleagues after the official notice, but don’t discuss details. Maintain friendships.
Give sufficient notice. Follow company procedures. The standard is two to four weeks, but this often depends on length of tenure. In some circumstances such as ongoing harassment or physical threat, it’s justified to leave without notice. Document complaints.
If your contract requires working for a longer period, discuss options with former and new employers. Your new employer may be willing to pay your current organization to get you sooner. Negotiate the possibility of working weekends or evenings to complete projects.
Advise the new company of your requirement to give notice before starting. Employers usually respect your need to terminate with grace.
Manage in-between time well. Tie up loose ends, organize files. If you have to train a replacement or hasten the completion of a project or task, do so professionally and sincerely.
Express appreciation. Keep negative feelings to yourself. Find something good to say. For example, "I’ve really gained from the experience, and my colleagues meant a lot to me."
Know company policies regarding resignation letters. A few sentences indicating notice and termination dates usually follow the verbal notice. If you’re working for a large company and may want to return, include more.
Write a short, gracious, visually attractive, specific letter. In the first couple of lines, indicate your intention to resign and departure date. Show appreciation for your boss, colleagues and experiences. For example, state that you thoroughly enjoyed implementing ABC project with your team, or selling the company’s product or services. Remind the company of your achievements. If you’re taking study leave, mention that, but don’t name your new employer. Proofread the letter carefully.
Be prepared. Some companies require those who choose to end their employment to leave the company site immediately. Be prepared to remove personal belongings and files from your computer. Budget for the possibility of not receiving a paycheck.
Plan for the exit interview. Many companies conduct exit interviews to pinpoint sources of employee dissatisfaction. Offer suggestions and feedback on how the organization can become more competitive and improve their products or services.
Avoid career busters.
* Don’t resign on impulse.
* Keep your mouth shut. Don’t bad-mouth anyone or trust others with negative information.
* Don’t damage property or steal.
Don’t feel guilty. Don’t mourn a job that no longer fits, or worry about what colleagues think.
Look forward to starting a wonderful new chapter of your life.
Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia
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