Friday, September 3, 2010

The Perils Of Waiting To Get Discovered In Your Career

By : Faye Holands

If you've been watching the new series 'Undercover Boss' recently you'll know that the latest installment in reality TV is an insight into some of America's largest corporations from the perspective of an entry-level employee. The show is full of cheese and plenty of unsurprising 'discoveries' but it did get me thinking - why does it take a TV show to get changes made that employee's should be making for themselves? If you're hoping to be discovered, recognised or acknowledged in your job it's time to stop waiting around and instead do something about it for yourself...

Go Undercover Yourself

Instead of seeing what the big wigs do everyday 'Undercover Boss' allows us to watch top-ranking executives go undercover in their own businesses, posing as regular employee's. As you would imagine, during the course of the week problems are highlighted and bureaucracy is uncovered, and when the real identity of the Undercover Boss is revealed everyone then sets about making significant changes to the way the company is run. No surprises there and I think the most amusing part of the show is seeing how someone who is supposedly so far up the food chain can struggle with the most menial of practical tasks.

Yes, there are some golden moments when long-suffering employee's with tragic circumstances are given a lifeline thanks to the generosity of the Boss. But what I'm more interested in here is the regular Joe Bloggs who's doing the 9-5 everyday, despite hating what he does and seeing no prospects ahead of him, or the employee who's sick of bad systems and processes but continues to do nothing about them.

There are hundreds of thousands of people out there in the work force living this reality every day - some accept it as 'given' but many are frustrated and wish they could experience some 'Undercover Boss' changes themselves. If you fall into the latter, it's time to start asking yourself some smart questions and stop putting up with the status quo. Here are some examples....

If you feel like you're in a dead-end job...

* what do you want to do with your career?
* how can you find out about other opportunities within the organisation?
* what skills/experience do you need to secure a different job?

If you're not being recognised for your hard work and commitment...

* how can you better promote yourself?
* what is the cost to you of staying quiet and doing nothing about you situation?
* what action do you need to take now to get noticed?

If you're bored and want more responsibility...

* what do you want to be doing?
* who do you need to tell that you want more responsibility?
* how can you show that you're ready to take on more?

If somethings not working...

* how can you get it fixed?
* who do you need to help you?
* what do you need to do differently to get a different result?

Sometimes it can be a struggle to get recognised, it can be tough to get things changed, and it can be tricky to get ahead. BUT if you want it enough and are really committed to the end result then all of these problems can be overcome. The issue is more often with mindset than the actual physical problem so work out what you want, ask yourself HOW you can achieve it, and then put a plan in place that you take action on every day to reach your goal.

Importantly, don't sit around waiting for a camera crew to come into your office to solve those niggles and frustrations - choose to do something about them yourself today.

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