Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Manage Your Reputation When Quitting Your Job

By : Ehud J Furman

Recently, several people have decided to use the power of the Internet to quit their jobs and made attempts to cause reputation management crisis's for their former bosses. However, using the Internet to quit your job could have a much more devastating impact on the former employees themselves, who will have to endure the impact of their actions and the trail of news stories left by them online for years. Before you quit your job and share your distaste for your former boss online, you should consider the impact that it will not only have on your former employers, but on you.

Speak to the Right People

Most everyone has been frustrated with their job at one time or another. And while most people will be able to understand your frustrations with your job, boss or co-workers -- these kind of feelings are normal and certainly can be grounds for leaving your job -- it's important that you choose to vent these emotions to the right people. For example, taking aside one of your co-workers during lunch to tell them how terrible your boss is might not be the best idea -- especially if you have the same boss.

This can often put your co-workers in an uncomfortable situation and not necessarily be the most effective way of dealing with you frustrations. In fact, it's usually best to find someone who is outside of you work environment to discuss your problems with. Their outside opinion can be very helpful and it will allow you to say the kind of things that you need to get off your chest without being worried about how it will effect them in the workplace or their relationship with their boss.

Don't Vent Your Frustrations Online

Another pitfall that people fall into, is venting their frustrations online. Perhaps it's just a Facebook update or a Tweet but this kind of information can get back to employees and your boss quicker than you'd imagine. While you may feel the need to speak about your current employment situation, it's probably best if you don't do it online. When you publish something on the internet, even if it's just 140 characters, the chances that it can get out and damage your reputation are very high. So usually, it's better to keep your thoughts about your boss and co-workers off line and out of social networks.

Think About Your Future

One thing that's hard to keep in mind when you're frustrated with your current employment situation, is your future job. However, this can be one of the best ways to calm yourself down and to make sure that you don't cause any damage to your reputation. Think to yourself, would I want my future employer to know this about me? Would I want them to worry that I would cause a reputation problem for them as an employee or can I deal with this in a more mature way?

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